Saturday, May 17, 2008

Chocolate + Milk

Milk flavoring straws. Seriously...? I saw this at the drug store the other day, and 99 cents later, the 4-pack was mine.

It's called Sipahh. The deal is, the plastic straw is full of chocolate powdery beads (other flavors, like strawberry, are available). It has a slotted opening at each end, small enough so that the beads won't pass through, but of course liquid will.

You put your straw into a glass of milk and sip. Then, I presume, you say ahh! Just like that, you're drinking chocolate milk.

I didn't say ahh. It was too sweet for my liking. Sugar is the number one ingredient, and there are some fake sweeteners as well. I love that the packaging reads: A Sipahh straw with milk* is a good source of calcium and vitamins A & D. Hey Sipahh, guess what else is full of calcium and vitamins when mixed with milk: just about anything, including rocks.

It's sort of a novel idea. But I'm sticking to little orphan Annie and my nutricious, delicious, rich and chocolaty Ovaltine! No straw required.

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