Sunday, October 21, 2007

Tea Time at the Movies

This month’s movie recommendation: The Darjeeling Limited. Wes Anderson’s latest (and possibly greatest – at least in terms of initial viewings) is the tale of three brothers journeying through India. They seek healing, their mom and a good high. It is sibling rivalry meets sweet lime meets brotherly that order. And much of this takes place inside a tiny train compartment.

In Francis, Peter and Jack (played by Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman, respectively), Mr. Anderson has created three wonderfully peculiar gentlemen, their personalities as contrasting as their looks. They have downfalls. They say nasty things. They brawl. That said, they are benevolent and exceedingly likable. Even their enlightened but distant and eyeliner-heavy mother (Anjelica Huston), demonstrates her compassion. Such qualities of redemption carry through in all of Wes Anderson’s films, as do remarkably well-chosen soundtracks.

I think that’s really the basis of the Wes Anderson formula:
A handful of wry characters (including at least one sad clown) + Big Hearts + Fabulous Music (Sixties or foreign tunes to be at least one-third of the selections) + Detailed Sets +/- Muted or Monochromatic Color Schemes = Endearing, Lovely, Hilarious Movies. Voila!

I haven’t been to India. The scenery in the film is breathtaking. Though one thing that stood out to me and others was the lack of crowds. It made the country appear for the most part desolate. I imagine this was intentional. Wes Anderson doesn’t strike me as a happenstance sort of moviemaker. By the way...during the outdoor peacock feather ceremony, was anyone else wondering what the Bose speaker was plugged into?

Seeing the semi-prequel Hotel Chevalier in advance is recommended though not necessary. It certainly makes the ending more charming. What is necessary? Tea, of course. My friends and I got hopped up on a pot of darjeeling at Sympathy for the Kettle before seeing the movie. Oh, and tea cakes are essential as well. I made some lemon sponge tea cakes and smuggled them into the theatre. They proved both a treat tastier than Milk Duds and a way to befriend strangers seated next to us. One of them in turn gave me a “smile” card promoting Random Acts of Kindness. Take that, Blue Meanies!

In closing, I read that Wes Anderson is directing some AT&T ads. I haven’t seen the work yet but would love for him to take on a PSA. One of my fave Ad Council spots at present is for our Inspiring Invention (bing!) campaign. It has Wes Anderson qualities to it - the little girl is dynamite deadpan, and the invention sounds a bit like Owen Wilson. See for yourself...Follow this link and click on Bandage Puller. Enjoy.